& Jr. Investor Collaboration
Hello Parents,
We received an awesome number of requests from parents and Jr. Investors to be part of the Interview Collaboration. Stockpile will be interviewing 7 Jr. Investors and we need to determine who makes it to the final slots by reviewing pre-interview video submissions. The final 7 will receive $50 each and be part of the Stockpile interview process which will occur at a later date. Those interviews will then be posted on the Stockpile social media outlets. has decided that we would also like to award ALL video submissions with $10 in stock so everyone benefits and not just the final 7. We will be posting all the video submissions on the @CoolKidsFund social media pages to show off your Jr. Investor. Please submit your Jr. Investors high resolution video via email to [email protected] by Wednesday June 15th at 8pm EST to be awarded our $10 in stock and be eligible for the $50 Stockpile Interview Collaboration. In the email, please include your full name, your child's first name, and your telephone number. We will be sending $10 in stock on June 22nd to all those who submitted their video to us by the due date. We will then forward the top 7 to Stockpile to do a more formal interview with them. By sending us your video, you agree to allow to utilize it for promotional purposes.
Dr. Fuller
"Each One Teach Ten"
"Passion + Potential = Purpose"
"Ownership over Consumership"
We received an awesome number of requests from parents and Jr. Investors to be part of the Interview Collaboration. Stockpile will be interviewing 7 Jr. Investors and we need to determine who makes it to the final slots by reviewing pre-interview video submissions. The final 7 will receive $50 each and be part of the Stockpile interview process which will occur at a later date. Those interviews will then be posted on the Stockpile social media outlets. has decided that we would also like to award ALL video submissions with $10 in stock so everyone benefits and not just the final 7. We will be posting all the video submissions on the @CoolKidsFund social media pages to show off your Jr. Investor. Please submit your Jr. Investors high resolution video via email to [email protected] by Wednesday June 15th at 8pm EST to be awarded our $10 in stock and be eligible for the $50 Stockpile Interview Collaboration. In the email, please include your full name, your child's first name, and your telephone number. We will be sending $10 in stock on June 22nd to all those who submitted their video to us by the due date. We will then forward the top 7 to Stockpile to do a more formal interview with them. By sending us your video, you agree to allow to utilize it for promotional purposes.
- Record your Jr. Investor with a horizontal camera/phone landscape view then email it to [email protected] by Wednesday June 15th at 8pm EST
- Video should be 30-60 seconds max
- Use the following script:
- "Hi, my name is XXXXX (First Name Only, do not include last name for privacy purposes) and I'm a XX year old Jr. Investor from XX (state). As a graduate from the Finance for Kids program, I learned ........ (fill in the blank with things your Jr. Investor learned). Now, I ....... (talk about what changes you Jr. Investor has made after learning with us). If I can do it, you can do it. Let's get it started"
Dr. Fuller
"Each One Teach Ten"
"Passion + Potential = Purpose"
"Ownership over Consumership"